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Have Faith

                                                              Before, they would completely dominate my life making
                                                              me very tired, irritable and depressed.  Although, they are
                                                              causing havoc in my life, I am now better equipped to deal
                                                              with them and by knowing through my faith that they will
                                                              end, they are not impacting my life nearly as severely as
                                               With Paul      before.

                                                              There is no secret formula to this, just a few basic things that
        Struggles?  Go back to basics...                      strengthen my inner self.  For me, talking to God, talking to
                                                              my partner and taking a little time to find a little daily peace
                                                              is all I need to give me the strength and faith to get through.
        It’s a pretty safe bet that most of us are struggling during
        these times of the Coronavirus.  The situation has left us   I think my point here is for you to go back to basics to find
        with many challenges to deal with on a daily basis.  Staying   your own inner strength to deal with the struggles you may
        healthy, financial, employment, education of our young,   be facing today.
        boredom, the list goes on and on.
                                                              It may help to simply take a few minutes in a quiet room to
        Unfortunately, I cannot provide the answers to these   think through your own basic plans.  If like me, you have
        dilemmas, who can?  But I do know just how important it is   strong faith, then why not ask God to point you into the
        to keep my faith in tact regardless of what is unravelling in   right direction.  He has never failed me when I have asked.
        front of my shoes.  Without my faith, there is nothing to hold
        on to, nothing to reassure me of the future.          Psalm 46:1-2, 7

        I have to admit, I am facing another personal struggle.  Some   “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in
        years ago I suffered from PTSD following my Military career.   trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
        One of the horrible symptoms was nightmares.  For no   and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea; The Lord
        apparent reason, just recently, my nightmares have returned.    Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”


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