Page 34 - SAFFER 04
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        Hi There from Kenya.                                  •      as a viable and sustainable approach to turn around
                                                              smallholder agriculture from mere subsistence farming to a
        I am an organic farming trainer- having founded the organiza-  more commercial enterprise.
        tion SOFAFRICA - spreading organic farming in Africa.
                                                              •      An action-oriented attitude towards yielding results.
        We provide training to farmers and schools on climate change
        mitigation strategies, indigenous seed saving, water and soil   •   A promoter and experienced trainer of Agro-ecolog-
        conservation, organic agriculture, natural resources conser-  ical techniques towards social, economic and environmental
        vation, rural development, nutrition, animal welfare, human   conservation in Africa.
        rights especially for the young, elderly, handicap, mentally
        handicapped, disabled and related issues based on public policy,   •   A change maker on how food is produced - linking
        the best available research science, and effective management.  the plate with the farm for more safe and nutritious food to the
        We have a vision to provide economic opportunity through   ever-increasing population.
        innovation, helping rural Kenyans to thrive; to promote agricul-
        ture production that better nourishes Kenyans/ Africans while   •   A champion and advocate of Organic Market Enter-
        also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve   prises and Agribusinesses through value addition - to create
        our Nation’s natural resources through conservation, restored   employment in the rural areas and reverse the rural to urban
        forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working   migration.
                                                              Our strategic goals serve as a roadmap towards helping us to
        I am a graduate of organic agriculture and I am passionate   ensure we achieve our mission and implement our vision.
        about Agro Ecological Regenerative Agriculture and Rural
        Development:                                          Simon Murungi CEO -

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