Page 28 - SAFFER 04
P. 28

Poetry Corner

        Poetry Corner

        Daisies – the Cost of Freedom        Stay inside
                                             No, you may not ride
        Stay inside, they said               More than two kilometers wide
        Isolate – self isolate               Walk slowly – avoid all contact
        Social distancing – at risk          Humans turned into subservient
        You are at risk – stay inside!       Pawns…

        At risk of what?                     And all the while
        The bus running me over?             The daisies lift their happy heads
        At risk of missing out on life?      To the risings sun
        At risk of being alienated!          Life is good for them
                                             They follow their freedom
        Spring is in the air
        The birds are nesting                While we – the superior beings
        Bumblebees fly                       Are forced inside by decree
        Out of hibernation comes             And rules
        The butterfly                        And a virus most evil
                                             Spread willingly by men
        Into isolation goes mortal man       To rob us of freedom most sweet
        At risk of missing                   While daisies bloom at our feet…
        The spring that sprung
        At risk of missing life              By MV & AJ – Walking Free?
        Because freedom is curtailed

           The Sound of Home                                   I’m a mature woman
                                                               a trumpeting sound
                                                               of a whooper swan
           I’m a young child                                   signaling spring excites
           traffic in and out of town                          but no more than
           whooshes by, a lullaby                              peaceful breathing
           soothes me to sleep                                 of my loved one
           – this is home
                                                               sleeping next to me
                                                               – this is home
           I’m a young girl
           a fiery-necked nightjar                             Home limitless
           cries out,                                          resides at core of my heart
           “Good Lord deliver us!”                             the pandemic cannot
           as we take turns                                    lock me down, for
           telling folktales                                   safe and sound is my home.
           – this is home
           I’m a young woman                                   Linguists claim sound of words change over time. My brain
           eGoli pulsates,                                     wants to argue but my heart knows this is true. The sound
           a heart under pressure.                             of “home” has changed over time. But it takes a Coronavirus
           Men and women crawl                                 outbreak for me to say this out loud.
           joining morning rush,
           chasing wealth
           – this is home
                                                               You can find Khaya on the web:
                                                               Instagram: @ khaya.ronkainen

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