Page 16 - August InDesign
P. 16
How to Go From Blocked to Creative
Scott Krajca, CPC, CHT
ave you ever been stuck creative- nothing. The inspiration is gone. There is no
Hly or just didn’t feel like anything was rhyme or reason to it. It’s just gone.
coming through? Have you always felt that you
could only write a song when inspiration came When we cannot ascribe a specific reason to the
through? What if you could be creativeeven if block or the hardship in life that has come up,
you don’t feel inspired at first? it is just simply some sort of unconscious issue
that is coming up. I think the fallacy is that we
What is a Creative Block?hat is a Creative Block?
W have to try and figure out the block or “heal it.” I
have learned that, yes, there are some things that
should be healed. For example, if you get angry
or blow up at a partner because they do some-
thing that irritates you, there’s probably some-
thing there to examine and heal.
For something like a creative block, there could
be many reasons for it. Both conscious and
subconscious. But what I have learned is that it
might not be worthwhile to sit and try to figure it
out. It’s probably more worthwhile to figure out
how to work around it. Committing to a creative
practice vs. waiting for inspiration can be life
Going from Blocked to Being Creativeoing from Blocked to Being Creative
Being a certified hypnotherapist I have seen a lot
of different conscious and subconscious issues
that can block a person’s ability to experience
happiness, peace, joy or creativity. You could be
in the prime of your life or creativity and then
somehow, someway a roadblock comes up and
either stops us or forces us to find another way to
keep moving forward.
I am not even talking about huge life issues that
come our way (i.e. relationship breakups, death
in the family, accidents, etc…). I am talking
about something that looks like this: You’re in
the flow, writing lyrics or music and feeling
highly inspired. All of a sudden you pick up a
pad of paper, or an instrument, or get on your
computer and there is nothing. Absolutely I would imagine this section may set some peo-