Page 17 - August InDesign
P. 17
Scott Krajca
ple off or get you yelling out, “No! No! No!” I am back to writing.
a firm believer that a musician, songwriter or • Sit in your room and make a promise with
lyricist does not have to wait for inspiration. That your creative muse: I am not moving or lifting a
you can actually create it. Even when you feel finger until you bring me some inspiration today.
that there is nothing there. Or when you initially As in, not write, not play, not go anywhere, not
pick something up you cannot get anything out pick up the phone, not check email, etc… Just try
(either onto to paper, a screen, or through your this (but you can still stick with the 30-minute
instrument). time limit).
• Pull up old lyrics or an older song and
I know there is a huge contingency that feels/be- start re-working it and then see if you get more
lieves you should not create when you don’t feel ideas for something completely new
inspired, but if you were to interview profession- • Listen to songs you like and pick little
al songwriters you would find that almost all of sections out of it that made you feel something.
them do not write only when they are inspired. Play with those sections.
They schedule their time. They work through the • Change your pattern. Pick up a
walls or around them (most likely process). different instrument. Write on something
different. Choose a topic or an issue to write
So, what does it look like to create around a wall about you normally wouldn’t. If you tend to write
blocking your path to a great song or lyric? Here a verse first, write a chorus first. Do anything to
is an experiment that you can try. For one-week change your pattern and comfort level.
schedule 30 minutes a day to write songs or
lyrics. You can even break it up into two 15-min- Hopefully you will begin to realize that you can
ute sessions if you need to. Either way, actually actual schedule creativity and begin to work
schedule the time of day you are going be through blocks. I will concede that there is a very
creative. This is important, because you can teach small population that are truly blocked and may
your mind to get out of the program of: I can want to work with professionals or other song-
only write when I am inspired. writers to relieve the blockage. Either way, enjoy
and write away!
During your session, start with what is
comfortable for you. If you’re a lyricist write on Scott Krajca has been writing music and playing
your favorite computer, notepad, paper, etc… If in bands since his teenage years. He is finally
you’re a songwriter, pick up or go to your favorite learning how to write songs with intention and
instrument and just begin. Dust off an idea. Start building skills. He is also an R&D engineer in a
a new oneor sit and wait for something to come large aerospace company and helps others as a
to you. Most likely many of you will be able to do certified professional (life) coach and
a week’s commitment like this. Some of you will hypnotherapist.You can check out Scott’s music
find this extremely difficult. here: or to get
in touch with Scott you can email him at:
Here are some ways to trick your mind into
being creative even if you are not feeling it:
• Don’t try to create something, just write
any words or play your instrument without
thought. If this takes up the whole 30 minutes, so
be it.
• Concentrate on writing for the first 5 to
10 minutes. If nothing wants to flow out of you,
stop. Get up and either take a walk or go do
something else. If inspiration suddenly hits, go 17