Page 23 - SAFFER 05
P. 23

Feeding The Monster

        Bolinder agents, James Pollock and Sons.   crank case scavavenge hot bulb engine   procedure involved a period of pre-
        The engines were successfully installed   and passed it on to the Bollinders, who   heating followed by squirts of fuel while
        in horse boats and thus the company   developed their range of semi diesels   the heavy flywheel was swung manually.
        became the first to motorise in the   from this. The engines were so reliable   Starting was an art in itself
        British Isles.                      and durable that they were used in barges
                                            throughout the world and Bolinder   After converting almost thirty horse
        The Bolinder Company was founded in   became synonymous with barge engines.   boats to motorised barges, the company
        Stockholm by the teenage brothers Karl   The engines installed by the Grand Canal   in 1925 commenced building a fleet of
        and Jean Bolinder in 1832. They first   Company in 1911 were the 1908 E-type   custom-built steel motor barges powered
        produced components for steam engines,   single-cylinder 8.35 litre direct reversing   by Bollinder engines.
        railways and sawmill machinery. They   engines (invariably 15 bhp). These were
        developed their first internal engine, a   in continuous use in the fleet until the   Over a period of fourteen years, forty
        four-stroke hot bulb, in 1893. In 1903   mid-nineteen seventies.       eight of these boats were built, each
        E.A. Rundlof invented the two stroke,                                  capable of transporting fifty tons of
                                            The semi-diesel is the link between   cargo. They were to be the core of the
                                            steam and internal combustion. A   canal transport business until it ceased
                                            semi-diesel relies for combustion on   in 1960. Today there are only three of the
                                            heat and compression, whereas in Dr.   barges with their Bollinder engines in
                                            Diesel’s engine combustion is caused by   situ and all of them are of the purpose-
                                            compression alone. The vertical block   built motorised fleet. 92.E (my son’s boat)
                                            of the Bollinder is surmounted by a   will at some future point have a re-built
                                            pre-heated cast iron hollow hot bulb,   Bollinder installed to further strengthen
                                            where combustion takes place, driving   the historic fleet.
                                            down the piston through a vent in the
                                            bulb. This remains hot, allowing the   Joe Treacy.
                                            fuel to combust and the air to change
                                            without high compression. Peripherals
                                            such as the water-pump, fuel-oil pumps   heritageboats/
                                            in line, each with its own oil well, are
                                            driven by eccentrics from the shaft –
                                            all exposed and fully accessible in the
                                            steam engineering tradition. The starting

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