Page 28 - SAFFER 05
P. 28

Poetry Corner

        Poetry Corner

        Spring Cleaning
                                            Winter is over, spring is here
        Winter is over, spring is here      And every house
        And every house                     Needs spring cleaning
        Needs spring cleaning
                                            Rethink lavish acts, frugal exchange is
        Indulgence on gloom intoxicate      admirable
        I better get a move on and clean my   Discourages reckless sharing of opinions
                                            Time to throw seeds at my garden for a
        Daunting is the task yet for radiant sun  thrift to thrive
        To cheer, windows must be free of dirt  And nurture a heart housing love, peace
                                            and joy
        Winter is over, spring is here
        And every house                     Winter is over, spring is here
        Needs spring cleaning               And every house
                                            Needs spring cleaning
        I must reach for the darkest corners of
        my heart  where flimsy cobwebs adorn
                                            You can find Khaya on the web:
        For it’s no use housing a sentiment, time
        To make room for long-awaited sunshine  Instagram: @ khaya.ronkainen

           Yellow Peril              Have you seen the bees    The sweet smells waft     Stumble, trip… Fall!
                                     and hover flies           upon the spring breeze…   Headfirst into the briers
                                     hover above               is it cinnamon…           thorns poking skin
           Have you admired          the yellow glow?          or coconut,               glowing gorse
           the yellow glow… from afar?                         whatever you please?      trans-morphs
           Wondering… about the      And wondered,             Does it make you sneeze?  into the
                                     if those insects                                    YELLOW PERIL!
                                     could spread              Closer, get closer…
           Have you come closer…     disease as they flit      find out, investigate…    By MV & AJ – Walking
           to have a better look     from bush to bush?        search for answers – before   Free…
           to touch and sniff,                                 it’s too late.
           the pheromones?

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