Page 27 - SAFFER 05
P. 27

Backyard Boredom Breakers

                       Backyard Boredom Breakers

                       Gosh, it’s been more than a month since I began   when we post something new.
                       amusing myself with the concept of amusing myself
                       in the backyard. Snapping away at small focal points   Right… so, as our walking restrictions were eased
                       and/ or mini events in the rear garden. It is also a   just a bit, this month I will include a few photos taken
                       month since I challenged you to do the same… or, to   while out on our walks. And… I’ll inform you that I
                       do ten push-ups. It is also a month since I promised to   managed 15 push-ups! Now… here’s the question…
                       include a video of me and my ten painful push-ups.  do I promise to upload a video of that torture session
                                                                     too? I guess you may have to return toward the end of
                       However, I kept my promise. You can call over to the   the month to see if there’s a new video posted on the
                       website and see me hard at torturing myself. Mind   website! Shew… fifteen… that will hurt! But… I bet
                       you, while you’re having a look at the website, why   you know what’s coming next… yep, I challenge you –
                       don’t you subscribe to the magazine links and social   the   choice is yours… photos or push-ups… proof
                       media pages? That way you’ll be the first to know           required!

                                         “10 Push Up’s? Pah!!
                                         “10 Push Up’s? Pah!!
                                         “10 Push Up’s? Pah!!
                                              Try 20km a Day”
                                              Try 20km a Day”
                                              Try 20km a Day”

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