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Have Faith

                                                              circuit around my home town and attack it at least four times
                                                              a week.  Not the hardest exercise for most keen cyclists but for
                                                              me it has proved a challenge.  Many times over this past month
                                                              I have got to the point where I wanted to stop because my body
                                               With Paul      was screaming at me.  Thankfully, I have managed to keep going
                                                              and I have even started timing myself in an attempt to measure
                                                              my fitness and push myself even harder.

        How Do You Find The Strength...                       A few days ago, while out on my bike, this very subject was
                                                              winging around my brain and I was remembering what
                                                              has been there to inspire me.  One of my favourite spiritual
                                                              quotations came to mind: “Difficult roads lead to the beautiful
        As a ex-soldier, the subject of digging in just that little bit   destinations.”
        further is one that tends to pop up in my mind every now and
        then.  Thoughts of finding that little bit extra to push ourselves   Although this is not a Bible quotation, I have found it to be one
        to the end of a rigorous training session often cross my mind.    of life’s great lessons.  But the same kind of thing is quoted in
        I especially recalled this recently while trying to burn off a few   the good book at James 1:12:
        unwanted pounds on my bike.  Throughout this mag, I have had
        a bit of a joke about my cycling endeavours but in real life it has   ‘Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having
        been far from funny.                                  stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the
                                                              Lord has promised to those who love him.’
        A few years ago, I went from a very healthy and very fit state
        to one fighting for his life when I had a series of chest pains   If you are struggling to go on in whatever you are doing,
        which turned out to be hereditary heart disease.  It has been a   especially during these testing times, I think the above two
        long road back but now, at the age of 55, having two stents fitted   quotations are good starting points in finding your own
        to my coronary arteries and, due to the mass lack of exercise,   endurance.  Most  of all, don’t give up.
        I have realised I need to get back up there.  I have set a 20km


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