Page 12 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 12

The Munich

             Hall of Honours

             is the TOP


                Arts Hall

                 of Fame

                 Event in                      die Munich event as a
                                               model  event  and  foun-
                                               ded Hall of Fames them-
                                               selves in their cities and
                                               countries, like Suisse Hall
                                               of Honours by Hanshi
                                               Herbert E Forster , Roma-
                                               nia Hall of Fame by Mas-
             The Munich Hall of Honours        ter Teo Radut, Genua Hall
             is the TOP Martial Arts Hall of   of Fame by Grandmaes-
             Fame Event in Europe, there is    tro Marco Morabito the
             no doubt, some people speak       Netherland Hall of Fame,
             of it  as the  number two  event   Master Martin Zingel,  to
             worldwide and a few of them       name just a few of them.
             like  Grandmaster  Cynthia  Ro-   All of them great events in
             throck should know what they      there countries and cities
             are talking about, because they   promoting the martial arts
             are every weekend invited to      and the people in it.
             one or another anywhere in the
             world and she widll be in Mu-     But the Munich  Hall of
             nich 2017 for the 5th time.
                                               Honours is unique and
                                               will set new trends in
             The event was founded by Mas-     2017 for Hall of Fames in
             ter Gregor Huss from Munich       Europe again.
             Germany in 2008 and the up-       Like in previouse years
             coming event on April 29, 2017    the goal is Quality not
             will be the 10-years-anniversary   Qanitity  but  still  it  will  be
             event.                            about double a big as in
             In the past years many promoter   years before.
             throughout Europe have taken

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