Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 17
and national events, leading fact that the entered once in Also acts to promote spor-
to gains in 2009 his first inter- the select group of athletes ting events, being one of the
national title, the South Ame- who managed to win a medal masterminds of the grappling
rican championship of martial in this very prestigious event North American event in Bra-
arts. which brings every year to zil NAGA, making this way the
In 2014 at the invitation of the United States thousands exchange between Brazilian
Master Carlos Silva, repre- of athletes from around the and American athletes.
sentative of the ISKA in South world.
America, he joined as coach By teaching martial arts, pro-
the Brazilian world champion Sensei Juscelino Frazao as is motion both in Brazil and
selection of the same year in known in the martial environ- participation in international
Orlando Florida. ment, is currently black belt events, this renowned teacher
4th Dan in Shotokan karate received such honor and that
The following year, in his first and a lover of martial arts, as the coming years will be more
experience in World compe- well as international referee of achievements, honors and
tition as an athlete he won WKC and ISKA and recently great success in the life of this
a medal at the world martial one of the most prominent re- samurai who dedicated all his
arts (US Open ISKA 2015), a ferees in US OPEN 2016. life for the martial arts.
OCTOBER/2016 17