Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2016 #17
P. 16
By Antonio Cesar Jr
Juscelino Frazao
On September 2, the sensei At the same time, the hono- the art of karate. His long ca-
Juscelino Frazao was hono- rees received two medals one reer began still in the 80s un-
red at the Sao Paulo State called Tribute Sport 2016 and der the influence of martial
Legislative Assembly (Brazil) another of the event itself, the arts icon Bruce Lee, arousing
on event conceived by Master medal of the Grand Masters, the will to practice martial arts,
Magazine, Faculty FACEI and in addition to the Diploma starting its journey in 1986.
by the Legislative Assembly. of Honor to merit relating to
The event aims to honor the sporting honor by the Legisla- So far he began the practice
best athletes and martial arts tive Assembly and the degree of Shotokan karate and later
masters in Brazil, in a popu- of Master Honoris Causa by become Black belt was star-
lar award widely as the Aca- the Faculty FACEI. ted your researching about
demy Awards of Martial Arts the arts and to teach karate
in Brazil, which has the pur- The magnitude of the award is in his hometown São Luis of
pose that goes far beyond just a recognition for years of pro- Maranhao.
rewarding to immortalize their vided and developed by the
honorees with publications Brazilian martial art services. In 1998, in addition to ins-
biographical on a book series In his 30 years dedicated to tructor began his career as a
called GREAT MASTERS OF learning, sensei Juscelino state judge of karate and also
MARTIAL ARTS IN BRAZIL. Frazao practices and teaches athlete participating in state