Page 73 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 73
My wife and I hanging with Bill “Superfoot” Sam and the Damsel in Defense Julie Greene.
AquaBag: Punching bags haven’t changed much
This is where Adaptive Martial Arts comes in. Not since their inception. Virtually every Martial Art
just showing that anyone can be a Martial Artist has a history of filling sacks with a semi-pliable
but acting as a portal to connect people. On one substance from sand to beans and hitting it. Aqua-
end Adaptive Martial Arts helps people with cha- Bag moves away from the traditional fillings and
llenges find schools that can teach to them. Should created a bag filled with water. The first benefit is
an instructor want to help people they may not weight. Water weighs more per volume than grain
have the resources to do so despite their desire. or sand which gives you a good target without
Just as Adaptive Martial Arts connects people to having an enormous bag. Second, because a bag
each other it also connects instructors to tools on filled with water is more forgiving you don’t need
how to teach. I highly recommend you look them wraps and wrist injuries are reduced. It really felt
up. good to unload on. (My wife liked it too!)
The Vendors: The convention had numerous
vendors, many of whom had amazing products.
However, their were some that rose about the rest.
Damsels in Defense: If you have ever tried to get
a woman into Martial Arts you quickly see that
the industry is extremely one sided. There are
pages of “Men’s gear” online and “Women’s gear”
is typically confined to a single section or tab.
Although some people might laugh at Damsels in
Defense with their bright pink kubatons and other AquaBags felt seriously good to hit.
accessories one cannot deny that in an activity
dominated by men this is a company that caters JiuJitsuThing: I have seen a lot of “Martial Arts
to women. If you are a woman or interested in shirts” over the years and they are pretty standard.
getting more women into Martial Arts Damsels in They will have a famous quote from someone like
Defense is a great place to start. Bruce Lee that the maker found on the internet.