Page 74 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 74
JuiJitsuThing goes above and beyond by showing THE EXPERIENCES: There is certainly some-
they clearly do Martial Arts as well. Their jokes thing to be said about the experiences that you
are a subtle blend of geek culture and Martial Arts will have at the convention. Just getting the chance
references that real Martial Artists will get a great to talk to former WBO Boxing legend Ray Mercer
laugh out of. was worth gold. Watching his face light up as he
talked about knocking out former UFC champion
Tim Sylvia and the joy at shutting him up after “all
the shit he talked” was amazing. You could see the
fire that built a champion Boxer.
Some of the awesome shirts that JiuJitsuThing
THE NETWORKING: I would never have met
gentlemen like Sifu Paul Cheng or other any of Hanging with Ray Mercer
the other fantastic crew at Blue Phoenix Enter-
tainment. There is something to be said about the THE UGLY
people that you can meet at the convention. The
seminars were a highlight but the downtime that The Organization: There isn’t much bad to say
you get to spend just talking with various people about the overall experience. However, like any
is certainly made the trip to the convention worth event there is room for improvement. Some
making. I now have contacts in cities across the instructors had their classes mislabelled and the
country to work with. times weren’t always accurate. This led to some
confusion as some instructors found out they were
teaching seminars on subjects they had no qualifi-
cations in. It would also be nice to have an interac-
tive schedule they gave me an instructor bio and
their credentials. Otherwise I was forced to pick
people by how cool their name sounded.
They claim to have five tournaments but I couldn’t
find any registration for the “Sticks of Thunder”
tournament. It must have been one of the secret
tournaments that they have in Martial Arts Mo-
vies. The “Main Stage” was similarly hidden so I
had a hard time seeing any of the demonstrations.
Myself, Sam and the awesome Blue Phoenix However, with the map being mislabeled it could
Entertainment crew. have been my own lack of literacy that lead me