Page 78 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 78


             WHICH STYLE IS MY FAVORITE?                       person calls me and says the fights look ama-
                                                               zing they were all real and my body is killing
             I personally  gravitate  and am most happy  me. Truthfully, I shake my head, this is not an
             practicing the Kung Fu styles. They are fluid  advertisement you want out there. As a fighter,
             for me and somehow just connect with my soul  we will work with actors who are not real figh-
             naturally. For this reason, the Kung Fu arts are  ters and the last thing any actor wants to hear
             my life path and a journey that I am enjoying  about their possible co-star or stunt people
             and intend to enjoy until my final breath on this  is that they my injure them or kill them. Also,
             earth.  However, that being said, I do respect  for insurance reasons and a variety of factors
             all the various styles and enjoy learning from  like story telling, you are a liability if you are
             all the amazing Masters that I am blessed to  making full contact and actually fighting, not
             meet.                                             movie fighting. I always recommend to fighters
                                                               that if they have an opportunity to take a semi-
             HOW DO YOU GET TO USE IT IN                       nar on fighting for film, they should, it will help
             MOVIES?                                           your movie career.

             Actually, I’ve used it in a variety of ways in film
             and to truthfully, it is why it is good to study a
             variety of styles and the other actors and stunt
             people come from different fight backgrounds,
             it  really  helps  and  makes  a  difference  in  the

             This is an interesting question because the tra-
             ining is also very different. I have learned to
             take the practical and train a little differently
             for film. Example, instead of hitting the bag all
             the time, I will work on distance control, I will
             try to come as close as possible without hit-
             ting the bag. Recently , my Sifu, Grand Master
             Samuel Kwok gave me an exercise of punching
             fast towards a hanging piece of paper, not ma-
             king it move, and coming as close as possible.
             This is fantastic for movie work. Most fights in
             film have little to no contact. The reason, you
             have to do several takes of the same fight and
             that can go on for hours, so, if everyone is beat
             up that makes it impossible. Also, on the phy-
             sical appearance side of things, if you start off
             pretty with make up and then you have mana-
             ged to get a black eye, cut lip, or swollen face,
             this does no good for the story the director is
             trying to tell. Whenever, and actor or new stunt

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