Page 29 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 29

they want self defense not Martial arts!          When it is time to stand up stress proper tech-
                                                               niques as in self defense.
             Self Defense for Seniors must be moves that
             seniors can perform effectively! Each techni- once the stretching is coMpleted get busy on the
             que must be adapted to the individual student     bags.
             and their abilities. This leads into how Seniors,
             on the most part, learn the needed techniques.    Simple push kicks using the hips and twisting
             Small groups or classes that demonstrate to       the secure foot. They can do it with practice
             the whole in a circle, one on one, or partner     and encouragement! Contact with ball of foot
             with partner.                                     with a little push. Start at ability of the Senior.

                                                               Remember, many men are “Moncho” and need
             Stretching is the first activity! Warm the body   to be slowed down. TECHNIQUE! Ladies will
             and muscles before stretching.  Try walking,      surprise you and need a reminder. Move to
             slow jog, jumping in place, and jumping jacks.    the shield and practice knee level kicks. Power
             Progress in the warm up is important.   It must   Not Required!
             be  emphasized  has  being  important  and  in-
             dividualized. Once the various stretches have     The round house kick can be a real challen-
             been learned each Senior can prepare them-        ge. The Muay Thai style Angle Kick using the
             selves for the training as they enter the class.   shin works. Again, technique and slow is more
             Guidance is stressed. Encourage stretching        important than speed and power. Again, push
             before class, during class, after class, and at   the hip into the kick and twist the secure foot.
             home.  Explain the stretch and how it will im-    Keep it simple and watch the power increase
             prove daily activities, strengthen their body,    without effort. Hold the large shield and stress
             support balance, and WHY it must be accom-        low kicks at knees and hip bone.
             plished.  This includes how the body works
             while performing the stretch.
                                                               knees are a must and easy to use.  Techniques
                                                               may be strait up, up and out, and round. Prac-
             siMple effective stretches (10 Min):              tice knees on a bag before or after kicks. The
                                                               knee with a good body and foot twist is effec-
             Simple arm movements using a twist to see         tive. Since knees get soar ease into this tech-
             back opposite foot with a swimming arm move       nique. Do not let the Senior take a short cut!
             when you turn forward. Many Shaolin Monk
             warm up routines use this technique. Initially    elbows!!!!!  Another twist exercise. Stress
             stand with feet shoulder width apart. As balan-   pointing or touch the target with the hand of
             ce and flexibility increase the knees can start   the striking  elbow and twisting  the hip and
             relaxing and bending to a quarter squat. The      shoulder to move the elbow into the target.
             speed of the stretch is not important.
                                                               The stationary foot must twist. More Power:
                                                               step into the target. Yes, the elbow back words
             Relaxed arm movements as in Karate Kid            hurts. Use the elbow everywhere and twist!
             1984.  Painting and waxing moves with a very
             smooth flow.
                                                               punching is another twisting move. It adds
             Traditional Martial Arts standing and sitting     power that may have been lost in strength.
             leg stretches. Stay within comfort and balance    Have the Senior place hands with proper fist
             zone.  Simple sitting leg stretches using         about a foot from the body at shoulder level.
             various positions touching toes, then outside     Find a comfortable distance from a bag and
             of foot, and then inside of foot are effective!   have them twist to make contact. Limited Arm

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