Page 31 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 31
ple young and old. Work on paying atten-
tion to your surroundings and always have
an escape route. Sounds like house on
fire and where do I go! Practice changes
in surroundings, noises, people, quiet of
birds, barking of dogs, and just gut fee-
lings. This can be done in the training area
and expanded to parking lot. I have turned
the lights out and have “spooky” people in
hiding. Many in the Martial Arts Commu-
nity have been in the military or law enfor-
cement. Utilize their talents!
proper attire: Practice in street clothes
and home clothes for the season. Think
of restrictive winter clothes, summer loo-
se clothes, and formal attire. They may let
you move freely or restrict your movement.
Some may even protect you from knife at-
tacks. Training in loose gym clothes is the
ideal situation. But not ideal all the time.
Tight jeans will restrict movement. Again,
practice for results! Know your limitations
before you leave your house and the gym.
The instructor should set the training loca-
tion and dress.
power and agility! Seniors gain confiden-
ce and are proud of their progress. Reality
should be a part of training. Introduce 14-
25 year males and females to a class now
and then. Have them hold, grab, punch,
drag, pull, and restrict the Senior. Wake
Up Call! Stress Evade and Soft Targets!
Seniors do not have the power and agility
they once had. Seniors may be very good
but have limitations that will be identified JIM DARTT
when stressed and challenged. This is for
all Seniors willing to participate! The ins- LtCol USMC Retired
tructor must introduce the Senior to the 6th Dan Taekwondo
real world. Kru Muay Thai Instructor
Retired College/University Professor
(Business Management)
President Legacy Combat Arts 501(c)3
Induction: Action Martial Arts Magazine
“Hall of Honors” (January 2016)
Masters Hall of Fame (June 2016)
APRIL/2016 31