Page 30 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 30

Extension. The punch can be converted to a        knocked down not Me! not Me! A very dange-
             hand push that is effective when struck strait    rous position for a Senior! Many Seniors are
             on. Try the Wing Chun punch. This punch wor-      overweight and are unable to get up from the
             ks and easy on the body.                          floor. “Sad”  For those who will try “downed”
                                                               defense skills it is time to work on the various
             hand speed as in Wing Chun. Practice, every  kicks, rolls, and methods to get up and away
             class, quick strike to the eyes. “Bob” the dum-   from the aggressor.  Some enjoy elementary
             my or a piece of paper with eyes!  Senior self  tumbling skills and break falls. Be courteous,
             defense is “action” within seconds. A quick fin- demonstrate, assist, and praise when they
             ger in the eye(s) works.                          work on these skills.

             blocks are needed to protect the head. Again,  get out of a corner! spin-spin-spin Not easy
             Wing Chun techniques work. Practice simple  unless you practice. Just like most other te-
             techniques and blocks. The strait high arm to  chniques. Step, if you can, and throw the hip
             the side will block many round strikes. A flurry  and shoulder around with all the power avai-
             of hands supports frontal strike defense and a  lable. Execute a poke in the eyes and run.
             possible eye gouge by the defender. Practice  Have the Senior back into a corner and work
             technique blocking with a partner. Light con-     this technique many times on you and then a
             tact is important.                                strong partner. When this work go back on the
                                                               ground and use the same techniques (throw
             leg check as in Muay Thai may stop a kick.        knee-shoulder-hip and roll).
             Practice  does  not  hurt.  Remember  to  stress
             the higher arm guard.                             pretend! practice! Find a friendly ghost and
                                                               go for it. Encourage each Senior to practice
             Grabs!   There are so many simple release  between classes. It is like “Pulling Teeth”.  Not
             techniques. The best for most Senior’s is the  Today!  Pretend and Practice in class against
             step side/behind with a hand twist with no  the ghost or make believe friend.  This walks
             crab. A quick push to the back and run like hell.  them through the techniques and when nee-
             A double hand grip may need stepping into the  ded they may be available.
             aggressor with a groin knee strike. It Works “I
             Know”!                                            get aggressive and have the senior deMonstrate
                                                               their reaction to a situation. panic will turn to
             chokes are the most feared. Not Really! Stress    action for Many!
             eye gouges, chin into arm, knees, and twis-
             ting.  Speed is the best friend!                  The End!  not really Work through some of
             weapons are feared!   RUN! It is not time to      the techniques at the end of the class. These
             be Macho. A knife attack usually ends in se-      can  be  a  cool  down  that  supports  the  class
             rious slashes or stabs. Guns may fire! Both       material. Hip Twists and Stepping Techniques
             situations need distance and speed retreating     are a must. Wing Chun for quick hand techni-
             practice.  There are many defense techniques      ques and arm stretches. Present a movement
             with weapons. Stress Distance First! Show the     and explain how it applies to support their im-
             basic techniques as turning the weapon back       provement. Praise individuals and the class as
             into the aggressor. All weapons are dange-        a whole as they leave.
             rous! Hopefully a Senior will not see the blade
             of a knife or barrel of a gun. Stress, do not go   evade!   Avoid or get away from someone or
             into uncomfortable situations.
                                                               something. This is a weak area of most peo-

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