Page 47 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 47

MSM: “What kind of conditioning did you do to prepare?’ MSM: “I heard you’ve been doing some movies lately as
                                                               well. Are you the next Jackie Chan?”
             KB: “When I was little, I used to punch a bag
             full  of  rocks  and  practice  my  shuto  on  palm  KB:  “Hahaha,  hardly.  I’ve  gotten  to  work  on
             trees. When I got a little older, I built a makiwa-  some  pretty  awesome  projects  though.  The
             ra and started plunging my fingertips into a pot  Martial Arts Kid is a great family movie with a
             full of dry beans. Nowadays, I carry around a  strong anti-bullying message. This filming was
             small leather striking pad and use my home-       extra cool since my son and twenty of my stu-
             made Dit Da Jow ointment. I get crazy looks  dents are in it as well. DVD and BluRay are
             when I’m in line at the bank. Thwack, Thwack,  available this month. Another great project is
             Thwack… I don’t mind though. Life is training  Enemy My Love. I mean how cool is it to get
             and its more fun than staring at my phone like  paid  to  throw  a  guy  down  some  stairs  over
             everyone else.”                                   and over? I also produced a documentary on

                                                               the Shaolin Temple that we shot on location in
             MSM: “So you were recently featured on the National  China. My time there was very special. I’ll also
             Geographic Channel?”                              be the featured breaker for the upcoming film
                                                               The Martialist. Just a few weeks ago, I landed
             KB: “Yes! The show is awesome and very fun-       a new role as an evil druid monk in Crowley’s
             ny and informative. Look for me on Episode 9  Tomb. Think of the movie 300 as a horror film.
             of How to Win at Everything. I’m the guy smas-    I’m pumped about it and have been asked to
             hing through the ice!”                            assist in the fight choreography.”

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