Page 54 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 54

new. I believe that this requires passion and, more  founder of Shotokan karate, as we can see from the
             than anything else, depends on how fond you be- fact that the Master was unable summarize what
             come of karate-do, on whether you can love kara- the style was, trying to define Shotokan karate is no
             te-do.                                            easy task. I guess we could say that Shotokan kara-
                                                               te is the karate to which Funakoshi Sensei aspired.
             KARATE?                                           LYOTO MACHIDA, IS PERHAPS MOST
                                                               FAMOUS PRACTITIONER SHOTOKAN
             I believe that Shotokan karate is characterized by  KARATE IN MMA. WHAT DO YOU
             its dynamic, linear movements, and by its kime. But   THINK ABOUT SHOTOKAN
             similar to the law of yin and yang, there are two   PRACTITIONERS WHO FIGHT IN
             sides to every technique, and if you do not know   MIXED MARTIAL ARTS?
             both sides, then you will lack an understanding for
             one-half of these techniques. Because I believe that   I think that it is only natural for someone who is
             one’s body and the techniques a person uses are   young to want have strong fighting skills and be
             closely related to one’s personality and character,   physically strong. And if there are opportunities to
             I think that is part of the reason why Shotokan ka-  express this desire and pursue this path as a ca-
             rate is more popular worldwide than other styles.  reer, then I think it is inevitable that many young
             But when I talk about Shotokan, in the same way   people would seek to do so. Although karate, as a
             that Shotokai and other branches of karate are di-  martial art, requires that practitioners constantly
             fferent in appearance, what is currently referred to   pursue strength, because each individual is diffe-
             in the world as Shotokan karate is based on the   rent, training methods and content will differ de-
             JKA style of Shotokan karate that was organized   pending on the type of strength that each person
             and established primarily by Masatoshi Nakayama   strives to achieve. Given the limited amount of time
             Sensei and others of the Japan Karate Association.  that we have in our lives, if that is the direction that
             If we consider Master Gichin Funakoshi to be the   one person wishes to go, then he should pursue it.

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