Page 67 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 67

                                                                                   PART 1 AND PART 2
                                                                                    Gm. Samuel Kwok

                                                                             GM Samuel Kwok reveals it all.
                                                                             He is  not  holding back.  Learn
                                                                             what to do and what not to do in
                                                                             Chi Sao.

                                                                             This  video is  like standing next
                                                                             to GM Samuel Kwok when he’s
                                                                             teaching all there is to know
                                                                             about Chi Sao. When you apply
                                                                             everything you learn in Part 1 and
                                                                             Part 2 of Chi Sao Revealed, no-
                                                                             body will be able to hit you again
                                                                             in Chi Sao!

                                                                             This is the way of GGM Ip Man.
                                                                             Learn the principles of Chi Sao.
                                                                             Learn what is important and es-
                                                                             pecially learn what many do but
                                                                             what you absolutely shouldn’t do!
                                                                             This is filmed at the London Se-
                                                                             minar in 2012

                                                                                   DVD  THE KEYS TO
                                                                                       SIU LIM TAO
                                                                                    Gm. Samuel Kwok

                                                                             It’s as if you would be in the class
                                                                             room with GM  Samuel Kwok to
                                                                             learn the keys of Siu Lim  Tao.
                                                                             Unlock the  secrets  of  Ip  Man
                                                                             Wing Chun Kung Fu.

                                               For orders:
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