Page 63 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 63
These are in addition a cy and no wasted time as In regards to breathing,
wide range of upper and it originated in the military. most of the focus is put on
lower body strikes, pressu- However there is also a the exhalation of breath.
re points, locks and throws. wide breadth of techniques All techniques are perfor-
to be learned as well. For med upon exhalation for
As a constantly growing experienced martial arts more power.
and developing art there a professionals 2-4 years will
numerous differences from see a fast result. Another interesting diffe-
Teuk Gong Moo Sool when rence is their version of the
viewing it as opposed to Second is their view on fle- horse stance. GM Park sees
other Korean arts. xibility. Where many see the atypical horse stance as
that as a measure of how too wide for practical use
Firstly is the time it takes high you can bend or kick, while the typical fighting
to study. Nowadays ever- TGMS practitioners view stance has no power. The
yone seems to follow the it as how explosive your most typical stance found
Mc Dojo method or the old techniques can be. The in TGMS is the diamond
style method of promotion more relaxed and flexible stance seen in several of
through the stages. This your muscles are the more the photos. It resembles a
uses neither. The system power they can generate. tiger
was designed for efficien-
APRIL/2016 63