Page 61 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 61

When he began middle school he trave- to  develop  special martial art  techniques
             led to a nearby town and visited  3  se- for their counter terrorist agents. They nee-
             parate martial art academies a day.  Like  ded a system that was quick to learn and
             most young men he thought whatever he  efficient. The desperate urgency was due to
             was doing at that moment was the uni- a hijacked plane in ’77.
             versal truth and encountered any plateau
             with earnest. So completely immersed in  As fate would have it a tragic event happe-
             the arts he spent every waking moment  ned on October 26, 1980 President Jung-
             going through combinations in his mind.  Hee Park was assassinated. This postponed
             While in  middle  school and high school  the  actual  systemization  of  the  art now
             he would subtly practice motions with his  known as Teuk Gong Mu Sool.
             fingers rather than pay attention in class.
             Needless to say he got scolded for that a  On  April  21st,  1981  it  became  an  official
             few times.                                       subject in the Korean military training re-
                                                              gimen. It encompassed eight internal and
             He studied like that for 10 years practicing  external arts that GM Park researched ex-
             7 days a week, rain or shine. Soon after  tensively. In 1986 it was actually set enough
             he started formulating his own system in  to be put into a textbook format.
             his mind as it was taking too much time
             in  his schedule and there was so  much  The  real  test  came  during  the  mid  ‘80’s
             repetition  between  the  academies.  That  when the  South  Korean  military  arranged
             attitude became one of his mottos in his  a sparring match between five 4th and 5th
             life. “Take everything you know and make  degree  black  belt  officers  and  five  North
             something new” means anything in your  Korean  spies.  The  South  Korean  officers
             life, not just the fighting arts.                were humiliated to say the least. They were
                                                              put into a brutal three month crash course
             In September 1977 he enlisted into man- training with GM Park to intensively study
             datory  military  service and was placed  the military’s new secret weapon. After the-
             into an elite special guard unit until May  re was a rematch and all five officers emer-
             1980. There he learned sniper skills, bod- ged victorious.
             yguard  techniques, advanced pressure
             points, survival skills, etc.                    Shortly thereafter GM Park took his proven
                                                              system to the Korean public and altered it
             In late ’78 the Korean government wanted  for all of society to benefit from it.

                                                              Literally it means Special Forces Martial Art.
                                                              In Korea mudo and musul have two diffe-
                                                              rent meanings. “Mudo” is a more modern
                                                              term  as  “do”  is  in  Japanese  arts.  “Sul”  in
                                                              Korean has a similar meaning as “jutsu” is
                                                              in Japanese arts. It’s older and infers higher
                                                              level skill for serious conflicts.

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