Page 64 - Martial Science Magazine April/2016 #14
P. 64

crouching off to one side with hands rai-
             sed and fingers open. It is useful at any
             direction and many kinds of techniques.

             When  hand blows are  employed  every
             joint in the finger, hand, and arm is used.
             Again elasticity is called into  play and
             the techniques  are more akin  to  a wet
             towel being cracked at an opponent than
             anything else.

             A  further  point  is a  strong  emphasis on
                        Gong-bang-sul  or  taking  the
             ini-         tiative in a conflict. Masters
             a r e          trained to read hos-
             in   an
             a d v e r -
             s a r y ’ s
             ac ti on s
             and mannerisms so
             when he  barely  begins to                              “Masters are trained
             prepare to his attack the
             master  has  already  ex-                             to read hostility in an
             ploded into action.

             Another  difference is
             simple  rolling  techni-                                            actions and
             ques are used far more
             frequently     than    fancy                               mannerisms so
             tumbling tricks as they are
             mostly useless on the street.                              when he barely

             Other differences will  be discussed in                      begins to prepare
             far more detail in a further issue. Anyo-
             ne interested in learning more about this                       to his attack the
             neoclassical  military  art can contact  me
             (  or  the  federa-              master has already
             tion at
                                                                   exploded into action”.

             Master Guy edward Larke has spent most of his
             entire life researching various Asian martial arts, culture,
             hopology, and sociology. It led him to Korea 15 years
             ago where he still resides. He founded Kisa-Do (The Kni-
             ghts Way) Martial Arts & Marketing 10 years ago and
             has penned over 300 articles in 17 different magazines
             internationally. He can be reached on Facebook or by

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