Page 25 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 25

“Tayari Casel Martial Arts Academy is its

                dedication to community development,

              health, self defense and well being in all

                   areas: Physically, Mentally, Spiritually

                                                                        and Financially.”

                              What are the main activities of the       with the District of Columbia Govern-
                              Tayari Casel Martial Arts Academy, INC?   ment’s Department of Human Services
                                                                        at group homes for youth involved in
                              Whenever I am asked about my  the juvenile justice system. In addition,
                              work….. I always say one of the stron-    I  worked as a consultant to CASA Com-
                              gest aspects of the Tayari Casel Mar-     munity Health (Baltimore), a national
                              tial  Arts  Academy  is  its dedication  to  prevention project focused on public
                              community development, health, self  housing developments funded by the
                                 defense and well being in all areas:  National Center on Addiction and Sub-
                                    Physically, Mentally, Spiritually  stance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia Uni-
                                      and Financially. Isn’t that what  versity.  Working with those young peo-
                                       we Need to survive as a peo-     ple was truly gratifying…They showed
                                       ple? Yes for sure!  So I, with  that with dedicated support they could
                                        so many wonderful students  demonstrate their  best  and  achieve
                                        have contributed to our com-    more than what was expected of them.
                                        munities’ growth for many  I was so happy to be part of their lives
                                        years.  As an instructor and  and their progressive positive devel-
                                        guest speaker at several ele-   opment!   Simultaneously teaching for
                                        mentary and high schools in  over 23 years at Howard University’s
                                       the  DC  /MD/VA  metropoli-      Early Learning Programs for 3,4,5 year
                                       tan area.  For several decades  olds I must admit every day is fulfilling.
                                      there has been acknowledge-
                                      ments  for my outreach pro-       I offer this information because it is
                                      grams.    Some  people  do  not  what I was taught by my instructors
                                      know that starting in 1991,  to do for community.  Martial Arts are
                                      I worked as consultant for a  supposed to help people. Anyone who
                                     newly  formed  federal  program  thinks  it  is  only  about  kicking  and
                                    with the Department of Justice  punching miss the true purpose.  We
                                   operating with the Department of  are supposed to serve others and help
                                  Corrections at the Lorton Prison,  them to be better, stronger, wiser and
                                 Correctional Treatment Facilities as  kind.  My experience in and out of com-
                               well as half way houses for those re-    petition has helped me develop the
                              leased to the community. Tai Chi and  awareness that martial arts and culture
                              other martial arts life principles for the  must be applied as vehicles for physical,
                              men and women under that program  mental and spiritual transformation.
                              were taught. Following that program
                              I served as a Primary Substance Abuse  You were chosen in 1975 by Chuck Norris
                              Counselor  for  another  related federal  to represent the U.S. in team fights. What
                              program at  a juvenile  maximum-se-       can you tell us about that?
                              curity prison. And continued working

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