Page 29 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 29
honored to be featured in four recent martial Music and martial arts. What is your opinion of
arts documentaries: The Black Kung Fu Expe- this union?
rience, Urban Dragons: Black and Latino Mas-
ters in the Chinese Martial Arts, Docs In Prog- Music is a universal language. You know there
ress, and Boulevard Warriors. I am featured in are many studies on how music affects your
the 2016 released movie “Paying Mr. McGetty”, mood. It can excite, motivate, stimulate in
starring R. Marcus Taylor, Don Wilson, Anita ways that reaches deeply into ones being. It has
Clay and many other martial artists. Also I was the power to affect the brain in so many ways.
inducted in the 2016 Asian Martial Arts Hall There are songs, instrumentals with melodies
of Fame in Bejing China, Action Martial Arts and chords that resonate with a vibration that
Magazine’s Hall of Honors & Spirits Awards: coupled with martial arts gives you a chance to
Golden Pioneer, World Professional Martial show: discipline, strength, flexibility, speed, co-
Arts Hall of Fame: Legend Kung Fu Fighter, ordination, timing, balance, agility, rhythm all
United States Karate Hall of Fame: Grand Mas- synchronized in movement! Remember some
ter, Golden Eagle Awards, Howard University traditional martial arts training always includ-
Washington, DC, Chicago Martial Arts Life- ed music while practice was taking place. In the
time Achievement Award, and many more. Afrikan martial art of Kupigana Ngumi: Nyoka
After retiring from international competition I Mapigano that I teach, the dynamic polyrhyth-
successfully co-founded and promoted the Tri- mic, power of the drum is one of the primary in-
ple “AAA” rated US Capitol Classics Martial Arts struments utilized during class. Training with
Tournament for seven years in the nation’s cap- music can increase your creativity. It is simply
ital. a beautiful tool.