Page 30 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 30

The Martial Arts today have  that is a Quality of a High  provides security for the
              separated from the spiritual  Spirit! And when you and  number one trauma sec-
              principles? The external is  one  ---  Honor  Them  and  tion in a prestigious and
              now more appreciated than  the Teachings by being an-      major medical organiza-
              the inner? What do you  other Light for others!.           tion in Maryland as well as
              think about this?                                          in Haiti and in future oth-
                                            How religion and African  er Caribbean countries.
              We live in a fast paced  culture influenced in your  But that’s work…. What
              world seeking immediate  martial art?                      I’m going to do is return
              gratification and glory.                                   to my other passion, Mag-
              Everything has to be quick.  When you study a martial  ic!  Back in the late 70’s I
              Instant  Coffee,  McDon- art from a particular peo-        began studying magic and
              ald’s, Microwave ovens,  ple no matter where they  eventually performed pro-
              Faster Speed to download  are from you are exposed  fessionally in Las Vegas
              applications for our elec- to many aspects of their  and having one of my mag-
              tronic devices.   People are  culture.  You  can  learn  ic  effects  showcased  on  a
              taught to glorify the body  many things from lan-          television special.  But the
              and shiny objects.  So they  guage, religion, social hab-  crown was performing at
              become more attached to  its, music and more.  Their  the World Famous Magic
              what they See as opposed  belief  systems  and  phi-       Castle in Hollywood, Ca 2
              to what they Feel.  Senses  losophy can be expressed  years in a row. —— Mar-
              are being neglected.  Sadly  through  the  practice  of  tial Arts, Magic, Dance,
              I have seen teachers help  the art.   Some systems are  Meditation, Life!
              promote their students ego  based on standard physical
              instead of the principles  techniques and principles  Wishing You All Magnifi-
              of: Humility, Kindness, Pa- of attack and defense in  cent Seasons of life filled
              tience, Honor, Integrity,  the conventional manner.   with Peace, Love, Passion,
              Compassion.  For example,  There are others based on  Joy,          Good       Health,
              look at the tournaments  the movements character-          Longevity      and     Fun!
              these days with 6 foot tro- istics and spirits of various  Namaste, Oso Tayari Casel
              phies.  Do you think they  animals.  The training may
              should spend more time  also include channelling
              polishing their hearts than  the spirit of various Gods
              trophies?…  We need good  of Africa religion.  A prac-
              teachers who maintain the  titioner may focus on  sim-
              traditions and by their ex- ulating the attributes to be
              ample become Lights that  as Swift and Forceful  as
              illuminate the way for us.    the Wind, or  having the
                                            Flowing motion and Soft-
              Martial Artists have al-      ness of the Ocean,  and the
              ways changed the world.  Intensity of Fire.
              It is the discipline of Phys-
              ical, Mental and Spiritual  Thank you very much for
              awareness that has affect-    your time Grand Oso Tayari
              ed change and growth ev- Casel. This question is free
              erywhere on Earth. The  for you to talk about what
              Warriors of the world may  deemed.
              Not have learned the intri-
              cacies  of  the  lighting  sci- Thank you again sir and
              ence, but they possessed  to all of your wonderful
              the Champion Spirit of  subscribers.  I hope shar-
              Righteousness and Love  ing some of my history
              for Humanity. You Should  was informative and fun.
              have a Teacher that is  Currently,           as      the
              Sharing,  Teaching  and  co-founder of a very
              Demonstrating everything  special force that

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