Page 49 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 49

would thereby final-    This  is  the way  a  ma cannot really
              The Unification of  ly  become anti-reli-        Buddhist      develops   benefit  them. Study-
              Faith (s. sraddha)  gious.  Such perver-         faith and  respect  ing Buddhism in this
              and Wisdom (s. pra- sity  would  lead  us  toward  Sakyamuni  barren manner con-
              jna)                     astray  and  prevent  Buddha. Sakyamuni  tradicts the teaching
                                       us from establishing  is  understood  ratio- of Buddhism because
              People  are of vary-     truly moral behavior,  nally  to have exist-     the Buddhist way of
              ing   natures     and    eventually  threaten- ed in this world as a  life necessarily  con-
              types and thus have  ing  the very fabric  historical  figure. He  tains  the element of
              different   tempera- of our society! Thus,  has supreme wisdom  faith. When we have
              ments, worries,  de-     there is  a saying  in  and  great virtues  confidence,  we will
              mands and passions.  Buddhism,                   and he has bound-        be able to purify our
              In general, one who                              less      compassion     minds and free them
              has stronger feel-       “Faith  without wis-    working towards the  from defilements i.e.
              ing  and  sentiment  dom will develop ig-        liberation of sentient  greed  (s. raga),  ha-
              is  more likely  to be  norance;                 beings. In Buddhism,  tred (s. pratigha) and
              compassionate and  wisdom without faith  faith  is rooted in  ego-conceptualiza-
              is more capable of  will  develop  a per-        rational    intellectu-  tion (s. atmamana).
              developing     strong    verted view.”           al    comprehension.     Confidence is like an
              faith  in one’s belief;                          As faith is strength-    alum; it purifies mud-
              while an intellectual  Buddhism  advocates  ened and sharpened  dy water. Similarly, a
              person tends to have  the  unification of  by the assessment  strong faith will pu-
              greater powers  of  faith  and wisdom.  of the intellect, it is  rify  your  mind.  The
              discernment and lu-      How can we bring  further confirmed by  reality  of life is full
              cid comprehension.  faith  and wisdom  the  direct insight of  of distress and mis-
              The biased  develop-     together? Is  it pos-   wisdom.  When un-        ery,  but faith can
              ment of either faith  sible  to unify  them?  derstanding  of the  transform  a mental
              or intellect results  In the first place,  Buddha Dharma is  state of emptiness
              in protracted, cumu- we  need  to under-         developed      further,  and anguish into
              lative,  negative and  stand  the Buddhist  faith becomes  more  joy,  peace, calm and
              harmful  effects. For  perspective  of faith  intense.  This  faith  contentment.           This
              example,  if  an  emo- and  wisdom. Faith  will  motivate us  to  is  like an innocent
              tional  person  has  is  characterized  by  elevate           ourselves   child  who wanders
              strong  faith without  the sentiments  of  and ground our lives  around  the streets,
              counter-balancing  respect and of inspi-         in  true morality.  It  lost,  hungry, thirsty,
              wisdom, he may sink  ration by an ideal.  will enable our lives,  cold,  worried  and
              into ignorance  and  Faith  is a common  guided by the ideals  not knowing what to
              superstition  due to  experience amongst  to which we have  do. While he is anx-
              his fanatical faith.  the       followers    of  responded with faith.  ious and  filled  with
              The lop-sided  atti-     any  religion. Faith  Faith is  not merely  despair,  he sudden-
              tude of discriminat-     without    intellectu-  an  appreciation  of  ly  finds  his  mother.
              ing  against ratio- al         comprehension     the ideal but a desire  He will  immediately
              nality  and  wisdom  and  discrimination  to move towards it.             feel secure and hap-
              is  not acceptable in  cannot  be regarded                                py because he deeply
              Buddhism. On the  as a rational faith.  Although some in-                 believes  that he will
              other hand,  if  we  Faith in Buddhism is  tellectuals          possess   obtain  food,  warm
              over-emphasize ra-       developed     through a vast knowledge  of  clothes and the con-
              tionality  and doubt- contemplation        and   Buddhism,  and  have  solation of his moth-
              ing  everything,  we  investigation so that  strong          reasoning    er’s love. Similarly, a
              will  lose our faith  the      characteristics   ability,  they com- life  of faith is  filled
              and belief. This in-     of truthfulness, righ-  monly  lack faith in  with joy,  peace, se-
              duces  us to ignore  teousness,  and  effi- Buddhism. Therefore,  curity  and  content-
              moral values and to  cacy of the  ideal  in  Dharma can not take  ment.
              deny  the existence  which  one develops  firm  root and  grow
              of Universal Truth,  faith, can be under-        in  their hearts. Be-    If our faith is  not
              saints and sages. One  stood and  revealed.  cause of this,  Dhar- developed            through

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