Page 54 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 54
Master Tokizawa Yahei, after being authorized aspects and their way of training, finding myself
to finish his position, began to organize and ela- after 30 years training bujutsu a different way of
borate more than 200 techniques that had been those practiced by me so far. I came across some
created by the Master Munenori, and called it technical aspects, like those I already practiced
‘Tenshin ryu’. but with many of them completely different, all of
them full of great quality and beauty that impres-
It is a school of ‘Hyouho (兵法, comprehensive sed me quickly. The execution of their techniques
martial arts), including of the following arts: is performed at a high speed, dexterity, logic and
effectiveness that are evident, all this with the cul-
● Kenjutsu (Sword art) tural value of an old school. You can see, feel,
● Battojutsu(Art of drawing the sword) experience the weight of those years in the work
● Sojutsu (Spear art) done. I became part of their school and I found a
● Jumonji-yari-jutsu (Art of cross-shaped spear) new place to do Budō.
● Naginatajutsu (Glaive art)
● Kusarigamajutsu (Chain-sickle art) From that moment, I began to organize the first
● Tesajyutu (Chain art) seminar Tenshinryu in Spain (Europe), taught by
● Jujutsu (Unarmed grappling art) the great Master and 10th Representative Kuwa-
mi Masakumo Shike last February 18, 2017.
For training, you always wear ‘Wakizashi (脇
差, short sword)’. There are not only the forms of M.S.M: How was the stay of Kuwami Masaku-
Uchigatana (打刀, type of Japanese sword), but mo Shike in Spain?
also those of ‘Tachi (太刀, another type of Japa-
nese sword)’ in this martial art and we call these G.G.S: The first thing that was clear was not only
forms ‘Koden (古伝, old transmission)’. to focus the experience on the open seminar, but
also to take advantage of it by training and dee-
In addition, Tenshin ryu teaches modern people pening in the principles of the school during his
knowledge of tactics and rich techniques which stay. For that, we did several private classes.
are needed in various situations such as: lying
down, waking up, sitting, standing, walking and In addition, I wanted to show him Spain at a cul-
running. tural level, our traditions, gastronomy and also
that he knew me as person and master, as well as
It’s an extraordinary piece of martial art! my school and my students. When I was training
with him during my trip to Japan, I received a
M.S.M: How has been your experience in trai- warm welcome, they made me feel like in my own
ning with them? home, so in his trip here, in Spain, I wanted him
to feel the same way. Now, I do not feel it as two
G.G.S: I could practice and deepen technical houses, but as one home.