Page 50 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 50
open thinking and quired through their but we are always of ourselves into the
reasoning, then we own perceptions of subjectively infer- dimness of the ex-
are just following the external world, ring about the na- ternal world. This is
what others lead us much unreliable in- ture of objects that the only way to unify
to believe. A blind re- formation is accu- this is their absolute wisdom and faith.
ligious faith becomes mulated in the pro- existence and that
fanatical when it is cess. Such empirical they will be as they In fact, wisdom and
carried away by wild knowledge is vitiated are forever. As a re- faith are not real-
enthusiasm and the because the pieces sult, human knowl- ly in opposition to
deprecation of wis- of information from edge generally har- one another. Conflict
dom. Buddhist faith which it is derived bors many illusions. will only arise if we
develops through are in turn derived practice prejudice
the cultivation of from sensory per- Some people think against either wis-
wisdom. Since it es- ceptions of the exter- that Truth lies out- dom or faith. Wis-
pouses a faith wed- nal world, and both side the mind, and dom without faith is
ded to wisdom, Bud- the ordinary mind they therefore seek biased towards that
dhism avoids the and the external it in the external which is material.
viciousness of that world are comprised world. Others con- This positivistic em-
religious fanaticism of, and compromised sider that there is phasis is inimical to
which espouses faith by, a certain degree an external meta- religion. Faith with-
devoid of deeper un- of illusion. For ex- physical entity which out wisdom is biased
derstanding and di- ample, when we are properly serves as towards a sentimen-
vorced from wisdom. perceiving the exter- their religious ide- tal faith which is
The development of nal world we cannot al, and the focus of inimical to reason.
Buddhist faith in- know our minds at their faith. In fact, all Buddha Dharma is
volves several stag- the same moment. the external worlds a unification of wis-
es. The evolving faith Therefore, we are are like mirages, un- dom and faith; a faith
displayed by some tempted by the ex- real and constantly which is grounded
Buddhists does not ternal world and changing. The wis- in wisdom, and a
therefore necessar- our minds are con- dom which Bud- wisdom which em-
ily reveal the true, trolled by the mate- dhism teaches starts phasizes human life
ultimate meaning of rial world. Since we with self-contem- and self-effort. Faith
faith in the Buddha lose control of our plation and an ex- is thereby kept away
Dharma. minds, greed, hatred perience of insight. from illusion. Wis-
and ignorance arise. Truth cannot be dom and faith are
The most outstand- In Buddhism it is ac- simplistically derived mutually grounded.
ing characteristic knowledged that the from observation of If we can under-
of wisdom is free knowledge gained the external world. stand, experience
thought and its op- by human beings is Rather, Truth re- and practice this
erative functions in- far superior to that quires us to under- path, life will be filled
clude understanding gained by other be- stand ourselves and with infinite bright-
and cognition. The ings. We humans al- to grasp our inner ness and cheer.
wisdom of human- most try to know ev- nature. Just as a per-
ity extends through erything, yet we do son who has sharp
space to the farthest not know ourselves. senses and a bright
reaches of the Uni- This is a cognitive and discerning
verse. Our knowl- bias of ours. When mind does not need
edge is continuously we try to understand to seek help from
changing, improv- the external world others in order to
ing and progressing. we lack the ability clearly comprehend
Therefore traditions to have a complete Truth, we should de-
may not necessarily overview of it. Ev- velop from the inside
be reliable. This is erything in the phe- out so that we can
due to the fact that nomenal world is project this lumi-
when humans de- impermanent and nous understanding
velop knowledge ac- constantly changing, and contemplation