Page 53 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 53

Art of Ukemi

         “As I have often said if one hates to be
     thrown, one cannot expect to become a
  master of the art. By taking throws time after
    time, one must learn how to take falls and
     overcome the fear of being thrown. Then
one will become unafraid of being attacked
   and be able to take the initiative in attack.
Only by following this manner of training can

                        one learn true Judo waza.”

                                         Kano Sensei

The falling techniques (Ukemis Waza) emer-             General features of the Ukemis
     ged from the necessity to protect the body        The Ukemis have two main characteristics:
from the impact provoked by throw down tech-           1. To soften the impact when falling with
niques. So, its methods started to be perfected
continuously, so as to lessen possible injury when       the arms
falling down.

It is well known that the practitioner who fears       2. To soften the impact when falling by a
falling usually results injured and his training ses-    rotating motion.
sions on the NageWaza prove to be bothersome
to him since he will always be resistant as he is      To soften the impact when falling with
been thrown down.                                      the arms

This will actually break harmony during the tra-       By flapping or hitting with the arms against the
ining at the Dojo. On the contrary, the one who        surface the power of the body impact against the
masters the techniques will never be afraid to be      ground considerably decreases. Due to this rai-
thrown down, but will take advantage of this si-       sing strength, the injury level decreases too. To
tuation to make progress on the techniques and         make this strength to raise and become more
will do it sooner.                                     effective, the arms must move at its highest speed,
                                                       and must always hit the ground when they are all

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