Page 57 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 57

Although we know about                                  In an operational environment it is
     other classifications                         a transitory technique but in a daily trai-
                                                ning it turns constant, so, it must be seriously
 related to the direction of                    and frankly carried out.
     the downfall such as:

•	Forward,
•	Backward,
•	Lateral

If we classify the Ukemis from a tacti-
cal point of view, we will find out that
they are useful as:

1.	 A defense technique,

2.	 An attack technique,

3.	 An evasion or esca-
pe technique.

As a final piece of
advice for this
introduction to
the falling tech-
niques of Uke-
mis, I would like
to have you view the
Ukemi techniques
as a mean and never
as and end; since they
are transitory techniques
one might need at a given
moment; either to protect the
body from an accidental or pro-
voked downfall or to restore and
save time when involved in a difficult
situationor in a combat. They can also
help to find the necessary distance on a fi-
ght or to achieve a balanced position when the
gravity center is lost or simply to escape.

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