Page 56 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 56
On view of all these technical elements, the most important aspects
to carry out the Ukemi can be regarded as:
Pose: it must be always in accordance with the type of downfall to be performed,
Position: it will be the one taken on by the arms, legs and head, and they must be in correspon-
dence with the kind of fall assumed,
Chin position: the chin must always be taken to the chest,
Head control: the necessary muscles must be activated so that they prevent the head from hitting
against the ground,
Body turn: the one carry out by the body as a conditioned reflex which orients them movements
of the body in relation to time and space,
Take off: the body must be taken off from the ground or pavement in such a way that it feels hang
up and free to carry out any kind of movement in the air, since by the gravitation law it will return it
to the ground,
Running-in: it refers to the action carried out by the body on the pavement or floor which avoids
impacts against any anatomical areas,
Backing or support points: it refers to the points that regularly support the body and prevent
from impacts against the ground; the arms, hands, feet and major muscles from the external side of
the body are regarded as support points.
Definitions of the different types of Ukemi
Ukemis: Kaiten: Nagare: Tobi:
When the body When it is carried When it is done in When the downfall
remains on the out in a rolling an easy manner in is carry out
basic position of the relation to the tech- jumping.
falling after being movement, rising nique carried out by
thrown down. immediately after the opponent, the
main characteristic
the impact.
of this Ukemi is
its peculiar silence
movement and the
necessary combina-
tion to the oppo-
nent’s technique.