Page 37 - Martial Science Magazine DIG#29
P. 37
ned practitioner a good Christian is the one who I was kicked out and my brother were removed
took me under his wings and taught me ropes as from there shortly after, well long story short I
they say. was glad we got out of that place.
It looks like these two people were very impor- What happened after that?
tant for you and they had a great Impact in
your life. Well I came to leave with my father and off cour-
se that didn’t went too well, not only because of
Definitely, I had very rough life as a child, loo- his crazy life style, but now I had lots of issues
sing my mother at a very young age of 6, she that I need to resolved and so were my little bro-
committed suicide at he age of 21 years old she thers after.
contracted cancer to the ovaries and could deal
with it, at the moment she took her life she left As the time was going by I desperately needed
behind three kids, me being the older, and two to discover something better I didn’t know what
youngers brothers 4 and 2 years old, my father need it to deal with my demons and my unger, so
distribute us among our family members for a I started to get into sports running, Soccer (fut-
little while until we all ended up in a orphanage bol for us), along the way I got into a lot of con-
school, there is where everything started for me flicts with people I didn’t have any tolerance and
fighting to protect my little brothers. I will get unto fight all over the place, it wasn’t
good for me at all, until I discover Martial Arts
That must it be terrible time in your young life. through the movies, Bruce Lee was my mentor
then I must of watched Enter The Dragon more
Yes absolutely, what this had to do with my that 20 times then, and every Chinese or Japa-
Martial Arts? You may ask…well I will say, nese movie related to Martial Arts I watched, but
everything for me, after being inside of that ho- this got me more in trouble because now I star-
rrible place, we finally came out about 5 years ted to fabricate weapons that I will practice with
later, I left first, after getting involved in an in- but that I will use to defend my self if I had to,
cident were I crashed a plate on our caregiver’s not too smart!!.
head after seeing her beating the hell out of my
little brother with a metal knife handle. Just be-
cause he didn’t raise his hand to ask for food, So
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