Page 41 - Martial Science Magazine DIG#29
P. 41
“I met great fighters and fought the best in my
style I am grateful to God for allowing me to
discover my true passion”
in and when he saw my style of fighting really
fast he put to train with his black belts team and We understand that you got involve with BJJ
competed under him for a while I earned my se- and others styles as well?
cond degree Black Belt from him, when his Son
died he closed the school soon after and left the Yes endid, the BJJ situation came one day when
country I believe I never heard from him again. I had visited this school in Tarzana, California
I got married in 1982 and became a full time and the school was belong to the Instructor Jean
husband, worker and a Teacher. Jacques Machado, I heard of him but I really
didn’t know who he was, until that day we had
So you found your passion on teaching a great conversation and he invited me to come
and train with them so I did and I was very im-
Yes..I started to teach Taekwondo now full time pressed that day I understood that I need to start
in Glendale, California and started to learn more to re-enforce my ground fighting skills which I
about Hapkido, now Started to compete more of- did know nothing about and I fall in Love with
ten in TKD and kickboxing as well, I did good, Brazilian Jiujitsu I trained about a year with
won several championships in Las Vegas inclu- them I remember I used to take my little boy who
ded, worked in a movie with Master Jung Chong, was about 5 years old at that time and he used to
Phil Rhee and Bill Superfoot Wallace and others fight with the BOB Dummy all the class time and
in a small part . then he will talk to JJ after the class,
I met great fighters and fought the best in my When I dislocated my elbow I had to stop trai-
style I am grateful to God for allowing me to dis- ning and by the time I got a little better we star-
cover my true passion. ted having family problems and work so I had
to stop for a good while, when my boy become
When my ex-wife become sick I decided to stop 7 years old I put him with the Professor Alberto
competing and dedicated all my time to teach Crane and Professor Romulo Barral they used
and to continue learning as much as I could. teach at Sherman Oaks until then went separate
ways and my son and I continue training with
OCTOBER/2018 41