Page 40 - Martial Science Magazine DIG#29
P. 40

from any of the other students.                  was awesome.
                But you guys worked together too?                After the Army did you continue training?

                Yes and that didn’t change I was able to work but  In 1979 I had moved to the Republic of Uruguay
                not to train in the school at all and that broke  out neighbors and stay there for almost a year I
                my heart, I remember going to see the class and  taught Taekwondo to the local people out of fan
                begged him to let get back and he will walked  not knowing that teaching was going to become
                me out of the school, and when Gran Master was  my passion; as time progress I started to com-
                there he just didn’t even see me at all,  I felt mi- pete in local clubs the competitions weren’t as
                serable.                                         big as today, the only difference were is that we
                                                                 never used to use any protection equipment like
                I did insist three times a week for almost a year  today we use to fight pretty hard back in those
                if not a year until finally he took me back and  days.
                both of them gave me a final warning I didn’t get
                in trouble again, So after my Black Belt gradua-  The economy wasn’t good in Uruguay in those
                tion I desired to join the Navy School, but I was  days so I decided to move to Brazil, to Rio de
                rejected due to my flat feet, so right away I tur-  Janeiro in Barra Da Tijuca, beautiful place that
                ned around went right away to the Army School  is, years after I left Brazil I had learned that was
                and try to join in. I had passed the flat feet test  the home of the Famous Grace Family, I think
                the first time, I must admit that I cheated a little  If I would of come across them I would have
                bit, when I walked on the floor without shoes I  affiliated my self with them and now my history
                shifted my body weight to the outside creating a  would have being totally different,  but it wasn’t
                foot print with a good arch in it, that was the test  my opportunity then, my opportunity came years
                back then, so I joined the Army School.          after in Tarzana, California where I had starting
                                                                 to learn BJJ with the Master Jean Jacques Ma-
                In the Army what did you do?                     chado a fantastic teacher with a huge reputation
                                                                 under his belt and thereafter with the BJJ Ins-
                 I was doing a military career in Buenos Aires in  tructor Alberto Crane and Romulo Barral great
                the Suboficial Sargento Cabral Military School  competitors and teachers as well.
                and joined the Infantry Force.
                                                                 So what make you move so much from one
                I had spend there about Five years, it was fun  country to another?
                and I had learned a lot, I did commando work,
                parachuting courses, Combat training with Spe-   I had dreams big dreams, I wanted to achieved
                cial Forces, etc , everything that an Infantry Sol-  things in the Martial Arts I didn’t know what but
                dier will do, I fought one year in the field in a  I was ready to pay the price for it!
                place called Tucuman in the years of conflict in
                Argentina about 1975, and got out of the army as  While in Brazil I trained TKD with a Peruvian
                sergeant in the Cobra Commando in 1978.          friend of mind and competed again the Capoeira
                                                                 guys few times, there style was very close to the
                In about 1973-1974 I got into Taekwondo ITF  KAPU I trained years prior so I liked it and did
                and trained on my days off from the Army at a  pretty good against them and have a lot of fun
                school on the city of Hurlingham, in the Provin-  as well. In 1980 I had moved to Peru were I met
                ce of Buenos Aires, mean while inside the batta- Master Lee in Lima, Peru, I trained with them for
                lion I will train on my own with other guys. I met  a while until I moved to USA in 1981, where then
                the Founder of Taekwondo General Choi in an  I joined Master Nam Wuang Kim in Hollywood
                exhibition on the Luna Park in Buenos Aires it  California, he was a WTF Master, he took me

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