Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine online
P. 17

The martial arts take not only passion  This leads me to two Italian brothers,
              and a strong will, but a strong body as  Andrea and Luca Mainini. A pair of exer-
              well. Whether you are a strong head- cise enthusiasts who made a living out
              ed newcomer into the fight scene or a  of their passion for sports. Last year
              veteran whose body just isn’t as agree- they  took  the  concept  of  martial  arts
              able as you’d like. However, I don’t know  weapons training and married it to sci-
              about the rest of you, but I really don’t  entific strength training. The result was
              enjoy pushups and the like. I love kettle- FITSWORD. What it will do will change

              bells and machines but that isn’t always  the way you train for a very long time!
              a choice at  home or  your local  Karate  How did it come about? What is it exact-
              school.                                          ly? This is what I discovered…

              When the aerobic kickboxing craze be- 1. When / where were you and your broth-
              gan it bore some fruit. It not only got  er born?
              some of us a bit slimmer, but it brought
              many more adults back into the acade- We were born and raised in Italy. Andrea
              mies. However, we all know about trends  (born in 1967), is an engineer with long

              and that ship left the port long ago. Now  experience in design; Luca (born in 1973),
              is the age of Crossfit, Tabata and the  graduated in Economics with extensive
              like. We need something harder hitting,  experience in the fashion industry.
              literally and figuratively.
                                                               2. Was anyone in your family active in
              Another thing we need that needs to be  martial arts or fitness?
              concerned is that different martial arts,
              much the same as different sports, work  We come from a family where nobody was
              different muscles in different ways. What  involved with martial arts, but sport was
              a grappler needs for cross training is not  more than a passion. Our father has been
              the same what a Kendo-ist requires.              a real pioneer in mountain activities. He

                                                                                               JUNE/2018     17
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