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it’s very useful if you think in terms of ropean Martial Art, that are mainly into
survival in a fight. What happens if you sword training).
are an excellent swordsman but you get
wounded to your only well trained and 9. What was your impression of those
dominant arm? That all your training has arts?
been useless. So our approach is entirely
symmetric to allow harmonious physical We loved to learn from people with experi-
balance and to increase the chances of ence and knowledge of what and why re-
surviving in a fight. ally works. We used our intuition to devel-
op some swords technique concepts, but
As we improved our coordination with we better understood many things with
both arms, we started to do dual wield- the help of experienced teachers, and
ing. Here as well we used our open mind faster. The good thing was that thanks to
approach to create some techniques and the intensive training done in the previ-
we looked around to learn from martial ous months, we could get into the action
arts that were already into dual wielding. and learning process with ease.
For sure Filipino Martial Arts has been a
huge influence for us, as well as Wushu. 10. Do you think this form of training is
better suited for martial artists as op-
When dual wielding, the physical involve- posed to traditional gym workouts?
ment is even higher: the coordination and
strength required is significantly greater We are sport and training enthusiasts,
than using a single sword (and given the so we believe that any form of training is
weight of the FITSWORD, the training is good (and better than not training at all).
very intense as you don’t have the chance We firmly believe that just the practice
to rest one arm at the time). of one’s own discipline is not enough. The
human body need stimulus to get better,
8. Who did you study with? and every stimulus can be of help. But
more the stimulus is tied to the real kind
We studied mainly on our own and with of movements and muscles employed in
friends that we involved in the project (all the sport, and more efficient is the train-
people with different sport background: ing process. So for sure doing push-ups
from fitness trainers charmed by this can be of help for swords wielding, but
kind of training to friends with previous what if you could train with an heavier
martial arts experience and even boxing sword? For sure when you get back to
and MMA). Each and every person came the sword you normally use, you will feel
with ideas and suggestions to apply the stronger and with more endurance. This
FITSWORDs wielding exercises to their principle is nothing new and applies to
disciplines. Later we also joined a local all sports.
Kali training group and an HEMA school
(HEMA is the acronym for Historical Eu-