Page 21 - Martial Science Magazine online
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All you see in our videos has been learned Our martial arts “ignorance” gave us the
by us in few months of training. We took chance to develop a training with an en-
inspiration from many fitness and martial tirely open mind approach! So we start-
arts disciplines and we applied them to ed to have fun and build some techniques,
the use with the FITSWORD. that later we find out they already exist-
ed (as it seems that we weren’t the first
We are not sword masters or martial arts people with the same problem: how do
teachers, so our techniques are not per- you use swords or sticks without previous
fect. They are adaptations of what we knowledge?)
learnt in this year of study and practice
to this new tool, the FITSWORD®, that is But our physical training approach,
similar to a sword or stick but with differ- helped us to develop exercises to improve
ent physics (due to the different weight, your physical conditioning. So we created
mass, center of gravity that is concen- plenty of exercises that you can do alone,
trated on the handle, to reduce the kinet- with a partner and in small groups.
ic energy of the strikes).
In the mean time we also started to look
In the hands of a more skilled swordsman around on internet, to get inspiration and
than us (anybody with a longer experi- enrich the training variety.
ence than us), the forms and techniques
are correct and perfectly natural. We discovered and learned that every
country (along his history) has developed
The FITSWORD is not a substitute of a his own combat styles, and so different
sword… it is an integration for your train- wielding techniques, that translated on
ing, whether you just like to learn some- our training tool (the FITSWORD), means
thing new while having fun, or whether different ways to move and train your
you have experience with swords disci- body, muscles and coordination. Every
plines, and you want to make your train- sword style can be trained with the FITS-
ing physically harder. WORD, hence the huge variety of exercis-
es that are possible to do. The FITSWORD
7. What martial arts did you study for is heavy and well balanced, so the muscles
FitSword? are trained hard in functional ways that
no other fitness activity does.
As we had no previous weapons training,
we started to train just following our in- We began with one arm wielding, and
stinct and good sense: If a blow is coming given the weight of the FITSWORD, in or-
this way, how do you parry it? How do you der do develop a symmetric training, we
dodge it? started to train every technique since
the beginning by switching of arm. This
behavior that came as natural for us,
JUNE/2018 21