Page 49 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 49
Por: Kyoshi Dinatale the aforementioned school). requirements this institution
This designation is the starting demands.
For the first time, Argenti- point in the alignment between
na will have its own ZEN NI- Argentinian branch and the Ja-
PPON TOYAMA RYU IAIDO panese headquarters allowing
KYOKAI´s Dinatale Sensei to spread the
Dôjô, the imperial militia sword voice and put together the prac-
school. tice of the Toyama Ryu style in
the region.
Past June the 14th in the Zen
Nippon Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do Nowadays, the instruction in
Kyokai´s So Honbu, Shihan this praxis outside Japan takes
Council Table, it was decided, place, closely supervised by
after a hidebound selection three Sô Shibuchô, in 15 Dôjôs
process, to name Mr. Federico worldwide. Dinatale Sensei was
Francisco Dinatale as Sensei chosen by the So Honbu, in Ja-
Sô Shibuchô (master and head pan, to be part of this worship-
instructor, in Argentina, for ful group after meeting all the
JUNE/2014 49