Page 46 - Martial Science 3_Neat
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and in 2008, Kawakami Soke presented him with su as a path of personal improvement that must
the Densho Ten No Maki and ennobled him as be carried out in nature. This makes the training
Doshi (Fellow On The Path). exhausting, but full of excitement.
Juan Hombre Sensei’s Ninjutsu and Bujutsu is TAISHINDO® is the other discipline developed by
distinctly different from what is familiar to most. Hombre Sensei. Taishindo is a modern self-defen-
It is a Bujutsu from the battlefield, very aggressi- se and combat system that constantly evolves and
ve, dynamic and fast. Japan Ninjutsu’s program is improves upon itself, yet always stays true to its
vast and infinite, and you will learn Atemi-Jutsu, base program and foundational learning milesto-
Koppo-jutsu, Yawara-Jutsu, Batto-jutsu, Shinobi- nes.
ken-jutsu, and Kaginawa-jutsu (to name a few), Within the TAISHINDO system, there are several
as well as Japanese history and culture, strategy, specialized programs that offer each collective a
usage of tools, field survival and medicinal plants highly functional training and learning experien-
- for Sensei, Ninjutsu is the art of survival and ce: Taishindo Kenpo, Taishindo Law Enforcement,
adaptation. Military Taishindo. Each strive for a professional
Further more, Sensei’s philosophy is something I system adapted and geared towards different ages,
loved, due to the fact that he understands Ninjut- occupations, skill sets, and the challenges of each