Page 45 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 45

I decided to write him an email, which he replied     more than seventy world martial arts titles and
to right way. The following weekend, I visited his    eight hundred titles in Spain.
dojo in the mountains with a couple of friends,       Master Hombre has developed two systems of his
and it was a full weekend of very intense training.   own. Each of them with a rich and well-structu-
I got back home so sore from it that I couldn’t       red learning program: JAPAN NINJUTSU AND
even get out of my vehicle. I found, however, a       TAISHINDO.
great martial arts master and some marvelous tra-     JAPAN NINJUTSU: Hombre Sensei has been
ining mates that weekend. Since then, it has been     searching the essence of Ninjutsu through various
six years of continuous training under Master         masters in Japan over a span of more than twen-
Hombre.                                               ty-five years: Hatsumi Sensei, Higuchi Sensei,
Juan Hombre Sensei was born in Negreira (Gali-        Yunoki Sensei, Kiyomoto Sensei, Zhenga Sensei,
cia) in the year 1956. His trajectory in the martial  Ukita Sensei, and Kawakami Soke and maintains
arts has been vertiginous, since this has been his    relationships with other descendant figures of
life. He lives by and for the martial arts. He has    ninja, like those of the Momochi family.
studied and practiced various disciplines, but Nin-   In 1999, after a visit of several months in Japan,
jutsu has always been his greatest passion.           where he stayed in Kawakami Soke’s residence,
In 1987, he experienced a miserable car accident      Mr. Hombre decided to found JAPAN NINJUTSU,
that would drastically change his life, an event of   an independent organization for the preservation
extreme harshness for a person like him. Against      and re-establishment of traditional Shinobi-jutsu,
all odds, he fought to be able to walk again and      their way of life, history, culture and tradition.
cast aside his wheelchair. Little by little, step by  In the year 2005, Hombre Sensei was baptized as
step, he returned to the world of martial arts.       ONBURE DONO (Great Warrior of the Spirit),
Since then, Master Hombre’s students have won

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