Page 15 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 15
Bohdi Sanders and his first
instructor, Master Bob Allen
As years went by, my library grew as did
my thirst for more knowledge. It was a
big reason that I ended up moving to Ko-
rea almost 2 decades ago. That led me
to research more and start writing my-
self. With the advent of social media my
network grew and I ended up connecting
with a very experienced grandmaster,
both on the mat and with the pen. With
my personality being what it was I end-
ed picking the brain of one of the most
prolific martial arts thinkers of the 21st
Century, Grandmaster Bohdi Sanders!
Why is that you might ask? Read this in-
terview to the end and browse his home
remember my first “official” Karate page. That will say it all.
I class. Halfway through the 2 hour les-
son the assistant Sensei took us young- 1. When/ were you born?
er students to the other end of the dojo,
had us sit in a circle, and proceeded to I was born in Hattiesburg, MS in 1962,
tell us a kind of Japanese folk tale. Then and lived in central MS up until I left for
he told us to think about it at home. This college.
happened every week that they taught
out of that place. It maid a huge impres- 2. Could you share a brief family back-
sion on a young, imaginative mind. To ground?
this day I do this with select students.
I came from a great Southern family.
I was already a bookworm to the highest I spent a lot of time with the elders in
degree. Every birthday and every Christ- my family, my great granddad, my great
mas (and many occasions in between) aunt, and granddad and my grand-
my brother and I received more and more mother. They all taught me a lot about
books. With the addition of Asian fight- wisdom and life. I would skip school
ing arts, history and mysticism, my brain many days, hitch hike back to my town
was in paradise.
(I attended school about 15 miles from
my home town), and get my great grand-
AUGUST/2018 15