Page 18 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 18
8. Did it meet your expectations?
Was the fact very different from the fan-
tasy in your case? It was a whole other
world for me. I really did not have any ex-
pectations, as I had not been exposed to
the martial arts world before. Like many
students, I wanted to learn all the inside
tricks to become invincible. But the fact
was different from the fantasy – fighting
is fighting. There is only so many ways to
destroy the human body. I was already
a fighter, but now I became a martial
artist, interested in every aspect of the
arts, not just how to take care of some
redneck with a big mouth. It opened me
up to a whole other world for me and re-
kindled my interest in ancient wisdom.
9. What was your most powerful memory
from that time?
GM Harry Greene and Bohdi Sanders
My most powerful memory was the first
7. With whom did you study? time I sparred against Sensei Bob. He
put a roundhouse kick to the side of my
My first instructors were Bob and Nikki head so fast that to this day I still can’t
Allen. I had a paint company in LA and remember seeing it coming. I thought,
had just started taking classes with “That’s what I want to be able to do!” I
them. Their home was right behind their really enjoyed those days. It was a small
dojo. It was a big house and in bad shape. dojo and we all supported each other and
Master Allen did not like the original were like a family. There was no big com-
price that I gave him and offered a trade petition between the students. Everyone
– I painted his house for a lifetime of ka- helped everyone else. Back then, when
rate instruction. He got the best end of we sparred, all we wore was those small
the deal, as I moved away about a year cotton hand protectors that just covered
later, after I started lessons at his Sho- your knuckles. So when you got kicked in
tokan dojo. But it was enough to get me the head back then, you felt it!
hooked. I have studied martial arts ever
since that day. Just last week, I went back to visit Mas-
ter Allen for the first time in many years.