Page 22 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 22

destroy the body, I have a much greater  supplements, acupressure, body work,
          respect for restraint. Today, I won’t fight  herbs, and more. I put these to work in my
          unless I have no other choice. That is a  life and was able to get back into martial
          huge change from who I was before get- arts and ended up earning my Godan in
          ting into martial arts!                            Shotokan. I have continued my training
                                                             ever since.
          Also, the longer I studied the martial arts,
          the more philosophical I became. I start- 15. When did you start teaching? How did

          ed studying the martial arts in order to  that affect you?
          hone my fighting skills, which I absolute-
          ly did. But I got much more out of the arts  I actually started teaching early, as I
          than I bargained for; I learn the wisdom  was teaching school in a small school in
          of the arts. I started studying the spiri- the middle of nowhere. That was back in
          tual and mental side of the arts and that  1998, only two years after I achieved my
          has changed my life. I now have written  Shodan rank. I know that most people
          12 books and am working on the 13th. The  don’t consider the rank of a 1st Dan to be
          martial arts set my life on and complete- experienced enough to teach, but I knew

          ly different path.                                 I had something to offer these kids and
                                                             they had no other options, so I stepped
          14. Where did you attend university?  up. I had actually been teaching my sons
          What major?                                        before that and I was a teacher. I have
                                                             been teaching in one form or another
          Did the arts affect you there? I started  ever since.
          my studies at the University of Missis-
          sippi and ended up graduating from Fort  It really affected me because I got to see
          Lewis College in Durango, CO. I studied  firsthand how much faith and confidence
          computer science, but got my first de- people have in their martial arts instruc-
          gree in sociology, with a minor in history.  tor. I was still working with my instruc-

          I also have advanced degrees from Grand  tor as much as possible and Master Jack-
          Canyon University and Clayton College  son both supported me and urged me to
          in Education and Health. The arts taught  step up and teach my students. I taught
          me perseverance and determination,  them just as Master Bob Allen and Mas-
          both of which I used to follow through on  ter Bill Jackson taught me, and my stu-
          my degrees.                                        dents loved it and I learned a lot. During
                                                             our belt tests, I would have other masters
          After a bad car wreck, I was told that I  come and help out. We always got amaz-
          would have to be on pain pills the rest of  ing comments about my students’ skills

          my life and quit martial arts. That did not  and manners. I think that actually moti-
          work for me! I decided to learn about al- vated me to study and learn even more.
          ternative health and enrolled in Clayton
          College where I learned about nutrition,
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