Page 23 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 23

16.  People say the teacher learns from the  ing similar when you get into the deeper
              student. What is your take on that?                 teachings. I have also studied the teach-
                                                                  ings of the sages from throughout the
              Do you think others really mean it or they  world, the Stoics, the Greeks, as well as
              are mostly empty words?  I know I learned  the great teachers from Asia.
              a lot by teaching. When you are teaching
              a martial arts class, you learn that there  I find that true wisdom is universal, mean-
              is much more to teaching than just show- ing it applies to all people no matter where

              ing them how to fight or do katas. You  they are or how they live. Our schools and
              are teaching life and how to live. You are  our children would be so much better off
              teaching them about character traits and  if the schools taught the wisdom of the
              how to look at life, spiritually, mentally,  sages and the Stoics in class. That alone
              and physically. When you teach you rein- would take care of many of the problems
              force what you know and learn much from  that we have today.
              your students in return.
                                                                  I studied as much as I could get my hands
              A lot of people seem to just quote clichés  on and integrated it with the martial arts.

              and  never  really  internalize  the  wisdom  That is what I do in my books and it has
              from those sayings, just like saying the  made me well-known. When I started my
              teacher learns from the student. Too many  teachings, there was nobody else who
              martial arts instructors allow their ego to  was taking wisdom from the Stoics, the
              get in the way of learning from their stu- Greeks, Gracian, Goethe, and all the other
              dents. You have to keep your ego in check  sages, and integrating that wisdom with
              or you will never learn from anyone else.           the martial arts.

              I learn from everyone I meet. Some people  Several people used Confucius, Sun Tzu,
              teach me how not to live and how not to  Buddha, Musashi, and Lao Tzu, but there
              behave, and others teach me to become  left out all of the wisdom from the other

              a better person. You can learn from your  parts of the world. I integrate wisdom from
              students if you are willing. Being willing  throughout the world into my teachings.
              and open is the key.                                As I said before, you can learn something
                                                                  from everyone. Each sage has something
              17. Where did you look for your philosophi- unique to teach us and they do so in their
              cal and spiritual answers?                          own way.

              I have studied wisdom literature for over  I studied them all. I took what was useful
              40 years. I really got into my studies seri- to my life; and what I did not find useful,

              ously after my first bad car wreck. When  I simply left behind. That is what each
              you have a close call in life, it awakens  person should do in the martial arts. We
              you. I have studied virtually all religious  are all different. Not everyone can do the
              teachings, which I might add, are amaz-              same things. People have different bodies,
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