Page 24 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 24
different muscle types, different injuries, of martial arts is one thing, self-defense is
etc. That is why Bruce Lee taught his stud- another thing altogether. Use what works!
ies to customize what worked for them per- You don’t need to know hundreds of tech-
sonally. niques to be able to defend yourself. Learn
a handful and perfect those. Those are what
Each person has to decide what works for you will go to in your time of need anyway.
him or her, but they can’t do that without
studying the different options. That is what There is much more to martial arts than
I give them with my teachings. They should learning to fight or learning the art form.
read my teachings, integrate what works You will use the character training and
for them in their lives, and leave behind spiritual training much more throughout
what doesn’t work for them. I would also life than you will the fighting techniques.
recommend going to the original sources. So make it one of your highest priorities to
also train your character and spirit daily.
I was just visiting my first karate instruc- Taking time for this is essential. THIS is
tor, Master Bob Allen, last week. His mar- true Budo. You must bring everything into
tial arts book collection is massive! If you balance – spirit, mind and body. Always
only read one book, you are missing out on think balance!
a lot of wisdom. All of the sages have some-
thing to offer if you take the time to learn
from them. There more I studied, the more I Offerings by GM Sanders:
saw how much I didn’t know. I continued to • Warrior Wisdom
study everything I could get my hands on, • Warrior
as far as wisdom goes. And that has served • Men of the Code
me well. • Martial Arts Wisdom
• Secrets of the Soul
18. Do you have any advice for our readers? • Wisdom of the Elders
• Bushido – The Way of the Warrior
Always follow your heart and your intu- • Defensive Living
ition, even if what you feel is the opposite • The Warrior Lifestyle
of what everyone is telling you. Others will
tell you what they THINK is best for you;
your intuition will guide you to what IS Master Guy Edward Larke has dedicated his life
best for you. As far as martial arts is con- to the pursuit of the martial arts, Asian culture, and
cerned, whatever art you train in, make it hoplology. It led him to Korea in 2000, and he now lives
in Bundang with his wife, Gi-Ryung, and son, Alexan-
your own. der. He holds black belts in several martial arts includ-
Instead of just following rote memoriza- ing Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Taekgyeon, Bon Kuk Kumdo,
tion of the techniques, learn them and Karate-do, and Wushu. Currently, he teaches a number
then customize them to work for you. Get of Korean disciplines and Kisa-Do Muye (his art) in ad-
dition to writing for various magazines and running
rid of what doesn’t work for you; keep, and Kisa-Do Muye & Marketing. He can be contacted at
customize what does work for you. The art