Page 20 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 20
Also, from that humble beginning, I now bative knife specialist. I have always be-
have several books out on the martial lieved that if you are going to learn an art,
arts, two of them which have hit #1 on you should learn from those who have ac-
Amazon. I went from not knowing one tual experience in the fighting arts, not
thing about martial arts to now calling just experience in the dojo. GM Greene
martial arts legends such as Sifu Al Da- has that experience and still teaches
cascos, GM Harry Greene, GM Eddie Ma- Combative Knife to the Marines today.
pula, GM Harry Mok, and others my per- I have to say, some of what GM Greene
sonal friends. To quote one of my favorite taught me is brutal! I would hate to have
musicians, Jimmy Buffett, who by the to use it on someone in real life, but that
way, I also spent some time roadying for goes for all of my martial arts skills.
in the early 80’s, “That’s a pretty warm
welcome for an ole boy from Mississippi!” I still stay in touch with both Sifu Al Da-
cascos and GM Harry Greene on a regu-
11. Did you study any other arts after lar basis and train with them when I can.
that? With who? I consider them both to be my mentors, as
well as two of my best and most trusted
I have studied various arts, but formal- friends. They have both taught me mental
ly, I studied Escrima with Sifu Al Dacas- control and patience when dealing with a
cos and Combative Knife with GM Harry possible explosive situation. The wisdom
Greene. they share with me is invaluable! These
are two martial artists that I would nev-
12. What did you learn from them? er want to have to fight. They are true
masters of their arts and two of the most
Mentally and physically. It is amazing dangerous men I know.
how much you can learn from a true mar-
tial arts master. Sifu Al Dacascos has 13. How did the arts affect you as a stu-
taught me as much philosophically as he dent growing up?
has physically. We have had some very
deep philosophical conversations about I grew up street fighting and enjoyed it.
both the martial arts and life. Even at 75 There were many nights that I would go
years old, he is the best and the fastest out looking for a fight. I had an explosive
martial artist I have ever trained with. temper and let it go quite often. Martial
He taught me much about speed, as well arts helped me tame my temper and be-
as Escrima, which, as I am sure you know, come a better man. I can’t even count
flows right into knife work. the number of fights that I got into be-
fore my martial arts training, but I can
GM Harry Greene, along with his top stu- count on one hand, the number of fights I
dent, Master Ray Kodoni, taught me the have been in since I have learned martial
fundamentals of Combative Knife. GM arts. After learning how fragile the hu-
Greene is a retired Special Forces com- man body actually is, and learned how to