Page 37 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2014 #5
P. 37

is that it confines you to an incredibly small set      always keep thinking as the situation progressed.
of experiences. Even teachers that have fought in       Reminding fighters to constantly re-evaluate the
competitions, former police officers, soldiers, etc..   situation and keep their use of force to within
have only seen a tiny number of scenarios when          acceptable limits is very important. Sometimes I
weighed against the collective experience of the        will see people get caught up in the fantasy of a
many. Any successful fighting program, whether          Martial Art and forget that the world is an extre-
competitive or reality-based, leverages multiple        mely diverse place. The acceptable techniques are
coaches and experiences. George St. Pierre, one         extremely different if you are an Israeli soldier in
of the best ever MMA fighters, has trained with         the West Bank or a civilian at a party in Chicago.
Olympic wrestlers, fight teams in Montreal, New         It was great to see an instructor emphasize this.
Mexico and Brazil, etc... to broaden his experien-
ces. Krav Maga & Jeet Kune Do both have been
excellent about grabbing as many resources as
they can. It was great to see the NSA embraced
this and keeps growing instead of being locked in
its own self-aggrandizing static glory.

                                                        Working on some basic pummelling and defence

Working in long hooks to stay out at range instead of   CONCLUSION: Northshore Academy of Martial
swarming in.                                            Arts is a great place to train. From their reliance
                                                        on multiple instructors to keep the classes fresh
The other thing I really liked was the way the Krav     to their breakdown of sportive and self-defence
Maga was handled. Guro Marc Halleck drilled us          programs I had a great time. It was great to see
not only on technique but on the legal ramifica-        an academy that acknowledges all the aspects of
tions of our actions. All to often I will see instruc-  Martial Arts.
tors teaching that they need to “end the fight” wi-     Best regards and keep training,
thout thinking about how the fight must be ended        Martin “Travelling Ronin” Fransham
or the consequences. Marc Halleck coached us to

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