Page 28 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2014 #4
P. 28
a new study which is intended to unite the Accumulation and elimination. What would be
concepts and applications of KyushoJitsu
with JKD. This study is endorsed by the your actual application in the life of a martial
Dillman Karate International (DKI), where he artist who seeks to be honest with himself in
is associated. The project is carried out in
coordination with the Shihan Evan Pantazi, the study of martial arts.
one of the most prestigious authorities of
this style world wide. Joaquin is a direct The dialectical relationship between
student of Master Ed Lake, Eighth Dan in accumulation and removal is very easy. To
Kyusho Jitsu. Presently, he studies Gracie eliminate you first need to accumulate,
JuJitsu under Reylson Gracie’s leadership none one could be a genius on physics
(Ni Dan) and continues to learn from his without studying physics previously.
master Dan Inosanto. He is a well-known
instructor of JKD and Kali, and he travels To develop any activity we first need to
around the world to promote master’s Dan accumulate knowledge, experience and
Inosanto and Bruce Lees’ arts. technique. Then, it would be possible
to introduce our criteria, our unique
Filipino boxing against English Boxing. personality and our intelligence to start to
Differences, strengths and weaknesses. Tell eliminate what is unworthy to our lives.
But, if one stars to eliminate before
The Filipino Boxing differs a lot from English mastering the technique, then, he is
boxing. First, because though it is called misleading himself. If you don´t know how
boxing, the Philippines use more weapons to perform a technique, it does not mean
than just hands. For instance, in Filipino that you have obviate it for it does not
boxing, it is allowed to use the elbows to work, you can not blame the technique!
punch, sweep outs can also be performed It is your entire fault. But you need to be
to unbalance the opponent and create and honest.
opening in his guard. Likewise, they use
the technology of the pressure dots and try If I mention the name of Guru Dan Inosanto.
to attack the nerves and sensitive areas of What comes to your memory?
the body. Definitely, The Filipino Boxing is
less restrictive than the English Boxing in The name of Guro Dan brings me memories
relation to regulations; it turns it a great of those times when I was learning from
weapon for genuine personal self-defense.
You can tell that similarities exist in JKD and
Filipino Martial Arts
JKD and the Philippine’s arts share many
similarities, thus they have been tied for
a long time. The truth is that they both
emphasize on rival catches outdistance,
and the concept of flowing in all distances
embracing usefulness without caring about
the traditions.